
Authentication and security

In this blog we are gonna talk about authentication and security and different levels of security which helps to protect your precious data and important files with unauthorized User.For Ex.If you want to retrieve some files from server machine then you have to tell your id like username and password to the server so server can recognize that it is a authorized user imformation after that server respond the data to user.It has identification phase which decribes the identity of user using Username or UserID and security is a tool software which is used to protect website assets from being stolen or theft by someone else like Hacker and misuage it.

How it done?

Authentication works on server side which have to know who is requesting the information and wants to know information of your website whereas security is used for not accessing the information of your website and using for some

why Authenticate?

It is something that is often thought of complicated but it is why do we need authentication?well As we are creating a website or webapp for user.These user generating the data like liking a post or any action performed their is always going to be some user data created and inorder to accomplice those data with individual user we use authentication.

layers for securing your website.

There are 6 layers in it.